
Brand Manager™ Has Flexibility Built In

President and CEO of ThumbStopper Matthew Brown walks you through the unique capabilities of ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager for brands.

Not all brands are created equal. Often brands have to segment their retailers across a wide-range of factors, including regionality, seasonality, product lines carried, districts, and more.

ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager was built to handle any brand’s complexities, from the simple to the sophisticated, ensuring that your retailers only receive content that’s germane to their needs.

If you need to segment your content for your network, ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager can handle it.

Hello, I’m Matthew Brown, President and CEO of ThumbStopper.

At ThumbStopper, our goal is simple: to help your brand connect to your retailers and amplify their social presence. How do we do this? By automatically connecting your brand’s digital content to your retailers’ social media pages.

Not all of your retailers are alike, and we’ve heard your concern: “My brand is too complex for your solution.”

With ThumbStopper, the A.I. within our patented Brand Manager™ meets the needs of the most complex brand business rules. Whether you need to segment your retailers by product lines, retailer type, engagement, region, language, distributor, or inventory, our flexible software can support your most complex needs easily and accurately. Tag your content once and its automatically syndicated to the right retailers.

So whether tens, hundreds, or even thousands of your retailers sell different combinations of your products and services, ThumbStopper does the heavy lifting, making the complex easy, and getting your content to the right place at the right time all the time.

Give us just 15 minutes to better understand how ThumbStopper can help connect your brand with your retail network.

Thank you.


Co-op Advertising Techniques to Benefit Brand and Retailers

The relationship between manufacturers and retailers is a special one – a symbiotic one in which both parties can benefit each other with the right advertising techniques.

The key? Co-operation.

When we onboard brands to our platform, we recommend they get behind our program by paying a percentage of the cost through cooperative advertising. Co-op advertising is a cost-effective approach for manufacturers and retailers to share the costs to better reach their target markets.

Through these co-op funded programs, we’ve added over 10,000 retailers representing brands across multiple verticals. But for newcomers to the concept, here’s what you need to know:

Co-op Advertising for Beginners

Co-op advertising is a joint advertising effort established between a manufacturer and a retailer. Its purpose is to save both parties’ money by sharing the costs of advertising at the local level.

Co-op ads depend on a partnership between the manufacturer and the retailer. In such a partnership, manufacturers give retailers funds based on the number of products they sell. Retailers benefit from greater brand exposure without the increased ad spend while manufacturer benefit with increased business at a lower cost.

As a manufacturer, it’s up to you how high a percentage to subsidize a retailer’s advertising budget. We recommend a 50/50 split for manufacturers who use co-op funds with our platform, though some may cover 75% or even pay 100% of the advertising cost. Manufacturers can decide on how much to pay based on the previous year’s purchases, a retailer’s current orders, or the like. You are in control of the amount you offer.

As a retailer, you would be remiss not to take advantage of co-op advertising. With free money sponsored by the manufacturer, you can receive a reimbursement of your marketing costs each time you run an advertisement or marketing campaign that features the manufacturer’s wares. With some manufacturers willing to pay 100% of your advertising costs, local advertisers can benefit from the co-op agreement.

Using Co-Op Advertising for Social Media Growth

The co-op theory is simple: The more you spend on advertising, the more exposure your brand receives. Spending money on advertising through a co-op system results in stronger marketing efforts, more branded content across digital channels and more buzz surrounding your products. Using co-op funds on social media advertising is one of the best ways to maximize results.

In a February 2019 Adweek article, Andreas Reiffen outlined the benefits of shifting co-op advertising funds to digital channels – only 20 percent of nearly $70 billion invested in co-op marketing is being used on the digital front ($14 billion). With roughly 75 percent of ad-induced sales coming from paid search and product listing ad (PLA) campaigns, digital co-op marketing is a relatively untapped well that retailers and manufacturers can benefit from.

If your manufacturer offers these funds, make use of them to grow your social media advertising budget and make a greater impact on your audience. Failing to take advantage of co-op ad money is a costly mistake that could result in manufacturers slashing their budgets.

Expanding Your Social Presence

Engaging in a co-op program is an advantageous opportunity that can lower advertising costs and achieve outstanding ROI in your digital marketing campaigns. It’s both easy and practical too:

Get the guidelines. 

Ask your manufacturer for an in-depth description of advertising requirements for your co-op program. Manufacturers will generally require you to be consistent with their branding.

Take to social media. 

Take advantage of digital advertising with co-op funds. Social marketing is an incredible tool for engaging with your audience – 72% of the U.S. is on at least one social platform as of 2019!

Work with an advertising professional. 

Get advice from a professional marketer in creating social ads your consumers will love. Getting help from digital advertising experts can help you make the most of your co-op program.

As a retailer and manufacturer, you should be taking advantage of co-op advertising programs. Put the money toward social and digital media advertising to expand your reach, increase customer engagement and boost website traffic.

Learn more about how brands use co-op programs for social growth through the ThumbStopper platform by clicking here.


Social Media Content is Key to Your Company’s Success

As a business owner, online traffic is vital to the growth and success of your entire operation. As consumers shift evermore to digital channels, it’s important to choose a marketing strategy that will give your business the most traction among your target audience. Digital marketing itself can be complicated, time-consuming, and costly, but there is one channel that is still relatively easy and inexpensive to find success: social media. And the path to success on that channel runs through content.

Content is the driver behind many of today’s successful digital marketing strategies, providing a unique opportunity to assist your target audience through the buyer journey with useful, genuine information. Much like your physical storefront requires appealing goods to catch your consumers’ attention, your digital presence–including your website and social pages–requires similar love and care to increase traffic to your business.

As we continue to traverse through a digital-first environment, your business should have a content strategy and social presence operating in tandem to engage with your consumers and keep them up-to-date on the status of your operation. But before you invest money into the content creation process, it’s important to understand what “content” means and how and where to source it to expand your digital presence.

What Is Content, Anyway?

Content, in today’s sense of the word, generally means any piece of information that you’re putting out into the world. That could entail the copy and images in your email campaign, the descriptions and product photography on your website, or the video in your social post. Importantly, content doesn’t always need to be produced by you or your team in order for you to benefit from it, but it does need to be sensibly released to maximize its value. 

As an example, let’s say a brand that you sell in your store posts a great photo of a new product they’ve just released. While you can always just hit the reshare button to share the post with your followers, a more beneficial method for you to repurpose that content would be for you to download the image and post it as a native post on your business’s website. In this scenario, knowing that reshared content gets less visibility than natively posted content, your more sensible option would be to download the video and post it yourself to your business’s social page. The few extra minutes this takes will result in 477% more shares on Facebook than simply re-sharing your brand’s existing YouTube link.

Better in Tune With Your Industry

Producing high-quality, informative social content can be a difference-maker for your business, but it’s not everything.

The content marketing process involves becoming an active member of your community, asking questions and providing moments of education for your consumers. And while many of your consumers are practicing stay-at-home and social distancing techniques, it’s important to be mindful of the content you produce and share to best inform your audience moving forward.

Invest time in better understanding your industry – its status during COVID-19, current trends, etc. – and following industry-centric resources to stay up-to-date with what’s pertinent for your business and your consumers. You’ll see a return on investment in the form of brand awareness, consumer engagement, and customer loyalty.

Curation is Critical

A strong social content strategy is more than just churning out new social content. If you curate your digital assets to address specific problems and provide useful information to your audience, you can position yourself as a thought leader for your consumers and your industry.

Even if you think anyone can benefit from your content, focus on tailoring it to reach consumers that will most likely engage with your content in a beneficial way. Your interest in providing genuine content on your social pages will reflect with a higher retention rate towards your social page and greater awareness for your business.

Your consumers will also build a better impression of your business as they engage with your content. If they find what they read to be helpful, informative, or enlightening, your business’s reputation and followers will increase.

Paid or Organic Social Content?

Lastly, your plan of attack is vital to your social content’s success with your target audience. It’s imperative to choose a method (or two) that best fits your company’s budget while being perceived as genuine towards that audience.

Paid social advertising or paid social media refers to social content that is influenced by advertising dollars – such as boosting, targeting, etc. This form of media enables businesses to display content beyond their followers in areas where it otherwise wouldn’t show up.  In fact, marketers spent more than $89 billion last year on social media advertising efforts alone.

With thousands of posts vying for your potential customer’s attention on social media, paid media is necessary to break through the noise and gain traction toward your business. However, you should not overlook the impact that organic media can have on your business too. As a cost-effective marketing tactic, organic media can help develop authentic interactions with your consumers and promote your value propositions without using paid promotion–gaining you more engaged and loyal followers.

We recommend utilizing both paid and organic tactics in tandem to maximize your ability to reach a broader audience while crafting authentic, compassionate content that doesn’t bombard their feed. By finding a balance between paid and social, you can supplement your social feed with brand-safe messaging that is promotional but also sensitive to the present climate.

Be Mindful of the Moment

We understand that today’s environment presents challenges to promoting your business and generating sales. But If your business has yet to incorporate a content strategy that is promotional while being mindful of these uncertain times, you may miss out on an opportunity to genuinely connect with your consumers and provide useful knowledge – now and in the future.

If you’re still having some trouble cultivating the right strategy for your business, it always helps to get a few pointers from someone who’s helped with messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do not hesitate to reach out to us and inquire about how we can help navigate your business’s social content strategy during these trying times.


ThumbStopper Announces Participation at Shoptalk 2020

  • Shoptalk 2020 marks the first appearance by ThumbStopper at the annual convention
  • ThumbStopper has pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings with prospective businesses during the event
  • Chief Marketing Officer Alicia Alongi will participate in Shoptalk’s “Emerging Technology Spotlight” series as a featured speaker

TAMPA, FLA. –ThumbStopper®, a SaaS technology company that enables brands to curate, segment and syndicate social media content, today announced its participation at Shoptalk 2020, taking place March 22-25, 2020 at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Now entering its fifth year, Shoptalk brings thousands of attendees across numerous business industries to discuss the future of retail, connecting brands and retailers with large tech, emerging startups, venture capital investors, and others. Shoptalk 2020 marks ThumbStopper’s first appearance at the retail mega conference.

“We’re extremely optimistic about the opportunity Shoptalk will provide us with,” said Branden Elwell, VP of Business Development. “The quick, 15-minute meeting format is ideal for us. Our solution is so simple and seems to resonate with brands immediately. Getting undivided attention for this brief window is all we need to showcase the problems we solve for brands that sell through retailers.”

ThumbStopper will sit down with prospective businesses to discuss the ThumbStopper Brand Manager™ at pre-scheduled times during the four-day event. 

Furthering ThumbStopper’s involvement, Head of Marketing Alicia Alongi has been selected to speak on behalf of ThumbStopper’s offerings and value propositions as part of Shoptalk 2020. 

Alongi, and by extension, ThumbStopper, was selected as one of 100 companies to participate in the Emerging Technology Spotlight series, which showcases a curated lineup of novel technologies that Shoptalk thinks are relevant, interesting, and inspiring for their audience. Selected companies and speakers cannot pay for placement and instead have to qualify through technological and innovative merit.

Alongi will speak during Track 4 of the Emerging Technology Spotlight on Sunday, March 22, between 3:30 and 4:10 p.m.

“I’m thrilled to have the chance to share ThumbStopper’s brand-to-local solution with the Shoptalk audience,” said Alongi. “As a marketer, you understand what a huge platform – and therefore opportunity – this is for our brand. We solve such a universal problem – connecting brand content to local retailers – that all we need is a platform like Shoptalk to catch the attention of the amazing brands that are attending.”

Interested attendees can also request a one-on-one meeting with ThumbStopper outside of Shoptalk’s interview hours by clicking here. More information on ThumbStopper is available here.

About Shoptalk

Held annually in Las Vegas, Shoptalk is an unprecedented gathering of individuals and companies reshaping how consumers discover, shop and buy. The event provides a platform for large retailers and branded manufacturers, startups, tech companies, investors, media and analysts to learn, network, collaborate and evolve

About ThumbStopper

ThumbStopper® helps brands and retailers generate micro-moments of engagement through the curation, segmentation, and syndication of high-value content across leading social media platforms. ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager™ seamlessly connects branded digital assets to your most likely consumers via native organic social posting and advertising at scale.


Alicia Alongi
Chief Marketing Officer

Angel Kennedy
Content Marketing Manager