
How to Add Content Using the Brand Manager™

ThumbStopper CMO and content aficionado Alicia Alongi explains how easy it is to get brand content approved and ready for retailer syndication in ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager™ software.

Getting content in ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager™ platform and ready for syndication your retail network is quick and easy. In fact, ThumbStopper brand clients only spend an average of 1-2 hours per month approving and segmenting content for thousands of retailers’ social feeds.

Alicia breaks down the quick and easy process in this snack-sized video.

Hey, Alicia here and today I want to walk you through the Brand Manager™ and show you how quick and easy it is to add a piece of content in for your retail network.

So, here I am in the main screen of our Brand Manager. From here, I’m going to go ahead and select the Add Content button. I’m going to go ahead and select the image I’d like to upload and then I’m going to add in my post text. If I want to, I can preview what this is going to look like on Facebook. Looks great.

And then here’s where I’m going to add in those important details about how this content syndicates. First things first, I’m going to select the date range that this content is available to be published through ThumbStopper’s AI.

So, right now since this post is good for the summer, I’m going to go ahead and update that to publish from now, until its expiration date. That means this piece of content will be available to syndicate in any of the selected retailer social feeds.

If I am a multi-brand manufacturer, this is where I’m going to select the brand that this is for and the product type that this represents.

If this post has regionality, then I’m going to select the region that this should apply for. And if this post is specific to a language, I’m going to tag it with the correct language here. This way, I can ensure that this piece of content is only syndicated to those brands, the retailers that sell those particular products in that specific region for that specific language.

Once we’re all set, I can go ahead and hit the Save and Approve button. And that content automatically moves to my approved queue, ready to go for syndication to my retail network.

Hopefully, you’ll see how quick and easy it is to use the ThumbStopper Brand Manager for yourself. Contact us today at



Case Study

Bridge the Retailer “Content Gap”

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The Content Your Retailers Share Can Make or Break Your Brand

If you’ve noticed a disconnect with your retailers, you’re not imagining it. Despite investing in high-quality content, brands report that they struggle to get it disseminated in local markets.

This report breaks down the reasons behind the disconnect, along with:

  • The value in the brand-retailer relationship
  • How brands and retailers can support each other’s social media efforts
  • How to make the most of your content investment

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GIE+Expo: Major Outdoor Power Companies are Embracing Marketing Automation

ThumbStopper’s Branden Elwell reports back from the Green Industry Expo about outdoor power equipment brands and their focus on automating marketing solutions for their dealers.

Hi guys, coming to you today from the GIE+Expo out in Louisville, Kentucky, and this is out in the demo area of the trade show. And man, is this impressive. Look at all of these amazing companies and this awesome equipment at work in one place.

Do you know what I see when I look at this? I see the opportunity. What I mean by that is, a tremendous opportunity for all of these brands to tell their message appropriately across social media, and to do it through an automated solution out through their dealers’ social media pages.

If you haven’t already jumped on board, it’s time to get moving. Reach out to us here at ThumbStopper. We’ll show you how we’re doing it for brands like these and many more across the country.
