
Traditional Vs. Digital Marketing

If your business isn’t using digital media for marketing, it’s time to start marketing! However, don’t give up on traditional marketing efforts if they work and you have the budget. A good marketing plan will coordinate your online and offline efforts, using both digital and traditional media to get your business the exposure it needs to succeed.

As long as the internet has been a thing, marketers have wondered how to divvy up their budgets between digital and so-called “traditional” marketing. More and more, the line between digital and traditional is blurring, with marketing like OTT and in-store geo-fenced or beacon-based ads acting as a hybrid between the two. Below we lay out a few key stats to keep in mind when allocating your funds across channels.

Traditional Vs. Digital Marketing

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While no single channel will produce the synergistic results of a multi-channel approach, consider how your target consumers spend their time before your allocate your marketing dollars.