Case Study

Dealer-Level Social Content Posting-Frequency Increases Over 300% with ThumbStopper®

Learn how ThumbStopper removes the barrier for dealers in your network and ensures that 100% of your participating dealers are posting the brand content you curate.

In 2019, a premier luxury SUV brand wanted to celebrate a major anniversary. Relying on their network of independent dealers across the country, they created a dealer portal to house social content–cropped, touched up, with copy–ready for dealers to download and share to their social pages.

What happened next is a common refrain for brands that rely on independent retailers to distribute their branded marketing material: dealer participation waned and the campaign didn’t come close to reaching its potential in terms of reach and impressions.

Enter ThumbStopper: brands on the ThumbStopper platform benefit from maximum compliance in social posting from the dealers in their network.

Download the case study now to learn how ThumbStopper helps brand partners ensure 100% of their participating dealers are posting brand-curated content.