
5 Retailer Co-Op Marketing Challenges Solved With ThumbStopper

Co-op marketing can present challenges for brands and retailers. Here’s how ThumbStopper’s automated social media solutions can help solve them.

Co-op marketing can be an incredibly effective strategy for brands and retailers alike. It’s efficient, opens doors for potential growth and enhances exposure for everyone involved. Unfortunately, co-op marketing can also present lots of hurdles for marketing teams and leaders who are working to promote their brand through retailers. Differing budgets, processes, strategies — all of this can quickly create a major disconnect between everyone involved. 

That’s where ThumbStopper comes in to reignite the spark between retailers and brands. As a turnkey automated solution that automates brand content on retailers’ social pages, we help bridge the gap that brands and retailers struggle to close. Here, we’re breaking down the biggest challenges retailers often face when it comes to co-op marketing, and how ThumbStopper (and you) can help solve them.

1. They Don’t Have the Time

It’s a question that’s constantly asked when it comes to social media management: Who has the time? Our best answer: Not a lot of people. Brands know that retailers are incredibly busy and don’t have the time to maintain a consistent social presence for themselves — let alone the brands they sell. 

ThumbStopper does the heavy lifting for you and them. By automating your content distribution, both teams can spend less time on manual, drawn-out processes and tasks and instead focus on more valuable initiatives, like strategy and engagement. In this case, it truly is a set-it-and-forget-it tactic that actually works.

2. It’s Too Expensive

Retailers are consistently struggling to reduce their overhead costs, which is why it’s common for them to take a red pen to the marketing budget wherever they can. With ThumbStopper, you can choose a customized pricing plan that works for everyone. 

Want just two posts a week? It will only set you back the cost of a few coffees a month. Looking for unlimited posts? You can opt for our annual plan that will save you more than $600 a year. That, coupled with the time saved with our automation, and the ‘too expensive’ argument becomes a lot harder to justify. 

3. They Aren’t “Digitally Savvy”

It’s no secret that retailers still like to rely on more traditional marketing techniques. In-store swag, print advertisements, billboards, radio ads — tactics like this have been used for decades before the birth of digital marketing. As a result, a lot of retailers may feel overwhelmed or intimidated by online strategies, techniques, and tools they haven’t even heard of. Who can blame them? 

The great news is this: With ThumbStopper, retailers can subscribe to an automated feed of your branded content — no software or agency jargon necessary. Easy for you, and even easier for them.

4. They Don’t Think They’ll See Results

In addition to letting go of outdated marketing tactics, retailers also have a hard time investing in something they don’t know will actually work. That’s definitely a fair point. But if they need further nudging, here are a few facts to convince them of co-op marketing — particularly with ThumbStopper:

  • Traditional marketing techniques can’t be tracked, but all of ThumbStopper’s can.
  • The analytics will quickly paint a picture of whether our solution is working.
  • Retailers don’t have to opt-in to an expensive and binding contract; they can start out with a few posts a month without investing a lot of time or money.
  • Other retailers who use ThumbStopper are experiencing a 50% increase in in-store traffic and up to 10x customer growth.

5. It Takes Too Long

Lack of coordination, outdated platforms, asset approvals, missing administrative access to profiles — all of this and more can slow down the social media posting process immensely. And by the time everyone’s on the same page, you’ve likely missed several opportunities to capture attention and engage your audience.

As you may have already guessed, ThumbStopper has a solution for that, too. We replace every inefficient process, outdated tool, and time-consuming content calendar to deliver high-quality content that posts without lifting a finger. It really doesn’t get any better than that.

Overcome Co-op Marketing Challenges With ThumbStopper

The benefits of our automated solution don’t just stop there — we’re talking incredible benefits like:

Ready to reignite your co-op marketing spark with retailers? Schedule a 15-minute assessment with our team to learn how we can amplify your brand’s message together.