
Why Your Business Needs a Localized Social Marketing Strategy

As more transactions run through social media there has never been a better time to refine your localized digital marketing strategy for social media.

Today’s successful businesses are meticulous at maximizing their brands’ awareness – both offline AND online.

In the traditional space, brands ensure the presentation of their products is as consistent on TV, radio, and print as it would be in their physical storefronts. Online, marketers spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions, on campaigns and other efforts across the web and social media.

Lately, the search for information has shifted towards social media; The spread of COVID-19 and subsequent social distancing efforts have turned many users to social media for news on the crisis and updates from reputable sources. As more and more transactions run through social media just as they would in person, there has never been a better time to refine your digital marketing strategy for social.

But if your brand is vast and operates using a retail-to-public business model, then a “one-size-fits-all” social marketing approach may not fit your business and your retail network. While your marketing efforts may drive traffic to your corporate-facing social page, your retailers may not be getting the same traction on their pages.

To remedy this, we recommend incorporating a localized social marketing strategy into your digital marketing efforts to increase its effectiveness among your retailers.

All Eyes on Social

If your retail network has yet to make the switch online, you are losing valuable time to grow your brand – and retail network’s – reach with your potential consumers. With a refined strategy that focuses on delivering content at the local level, you can provide your retailers with content tailored to the products they are selling, while curating a message coming directly from the brand itself.

Outlets like Facebook are the perfect destination to get your brand’s message out to your retailers and assist them in the proper messaging to suit their communities. And with advertising costs lowering on the social platform since the events surrounding COVID-19, there has never been a better time to apply high-quality, branded content to your retailers that is compassionate to current events while promoting the right message from your brand.

Giving Your Retailers the Support They Need

As a franchise, a localized social marketing strategy can give your brand an opportunity to influence the buyer journey for target consumers who can’t physically interact with your local retailers, while driving greater awareness to your brand through your retail network. This in turn can increase brand awareness, build a positive reputation among your retail network, and generate brand loyalty throughout the pandemic and beyond.

localized marketing strategy

At ThumbStopper, we’ve already helped our business partners in increasing traction to their retail network’s social feeds, despite these uncertain times. If you are uncertain of how your brand can reposition its social media strategy to assist your retailers, drop us a line at the link here and we can show you how to start.