
A Few Steps to Amplifying Your Brand’s Content

Do you want your content to reach more customers? With just a few adjustments to your strategy, you can amplify your brand’s content and cast a wider net

You developed a marketing strategy for your brand and your retailers. You’ve drafted the perfect messages, crafted the right designs to pair, and published your posts across your social outlets.

But what if the content you’ve published isn’t gaining the traction you expected with your target audience or the followers who subscribe to you on social? Fortunately, this happens far more often than you think.

On any given day, there are’s thousands of pieces of content that are vying for your customers’ attention on social media. For many businesses marketing on platforms like Facebook, you will rarely see more than 1% to 2% reach on your digital content at one time.

However, this doesn’t mean that your content can’t cut through the noise. With many individuals turning to social in recent weeks for news consumption and updates, a few adjustments to your marketing strategy can give your content the boost it needs to cast a wider net with your next customer.

Define the Audience You’re Reaching

Before deploying your marketing strategy on social, it’s important to know the audience in which you’re looking to target. A concrete social media strategy is not built overnight and requires in-depth research to identify who your next customer comes from.

To start, identify some key qualities of your current customer base – age range, spending habits, and other demographics. Creating an ideal customer profile for your target market gives you the tools to craft content and advertising efforts tailored to meeting their needs.

Read the Room

In these uncertain times, many individuals have turned to social for updates on how COVID-19 has affected their communities and the businesses they support. As a franchise brand, it’s imperative to create and share content that is relevant to the issues of your demographic while promoting your product or service

By staying on top of issues that matter to your audience and crafting safe, on-brand content, you’ll avoid alienating your customer and ignoring their issues. This in turn will influence your brand’s reputation for the better in the coming months.

Give Your Content a Boost

Unfortunately, hashtags and organic reach alone won’t be the answer to gain traction towards your brand. Luckily, paid advertising is here to give some extra oomph to your social strategy.

Paid media has emerged as an essential component to successful marketing strategies, enabling businesses to promote content beyond their followers based on cost-per-click and other ad spend. With the right content, budget, and call-to-action, your business can successfully boost its content and home in on converting your target audience into leads.


Once you’ve tailored your marketing strategy, it’s off to work! While it is not assured that your business will immediately see greater reach with your content, the tips above are a good starting point to cast that wider net for your consumers.But if you’re still having some trouble cultivating the right strategy for your business, it always helps to get a pointer from a business that’s helped many brand partners amplify their organic reach over 700%. Drop us a message at the link here and see how we’ve helped brands amplify their social thumbprint across their retail network.